Best Fails of the Month | Mooove Over! 馃悇

Best Fails of the Month | Mooove Over! 馃悇

Estos son algunos comentarios:


14:58 Parkour!!

0:07 That was definitely Jesus mate! 馃檹 I hope you washed your own pants after that 馃ぃ

It’s a miracle that white semi didn’t crash into the other truck

I like American people, very funny Videos 馃槄馃槄馃槄

Why do people live in New york?… rats on subways and fires underground, seems distopian

12:45 – How is that a fail?

7:00 that鈥檚 Brighton Seafront. I recognise the arches

@3:45 that’s actually a great hack I use a lot. Great for when you have to drain a bunch of pasta that wont fit in the colander

9:43 – Is that truck still there?
