Dumb Texas Fails 🤠 Lone Star State Stupidity!

Dumb Texas Fails 🤠 Lone Star State Stupidity!

Estos son algunos comentarios:

How is no one harmed 2:05

Every time I see that clip of the mom screaming at her daughter, I’m reminded that some people don’t deserve to have kids.

0:29 … Seriously, these gender reveals must be STOPPED!!… 😂😂😂



8:59- he set all that up just so he could grab her boobs?

8:55- city people.
He doesn’t want you, stop screaming and let him pass.

They say “everything’s bigger in Texas”. I guess even the fails. 😂

Texas, where catholics are worse than talibans ^^

That dude at the end HAD to have been so pissed off! When I was a teenager I was riding my bike down the sidewalk in Florida and I rode into a patch of wet cement and I couldnt stop or it would’ve been so much worse, so I kept going. They had no signs up, no tape or cones, nothing, so how was I supposed to know? Then they got pissed at me. I said put some signs up or something and that won’t happen!

I was harmed…
