Funny Florida Fails! 🐊 Sunshine State Stupidity

Funny Florida Fails! 🐊 Sunshine State Stupidity

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Which clip was the best?

2:44 the Wild West jungle? Florida is south! 🙄

16:36 hammer scraper bit on a drill? That’s a new one. Good thing he was filming, for science of course.

6:24 *The ONE time in history where the captions were helpful for Mr. Mouth Marbles.*

The “boat” car thingy, reminded me of the Burning Man festival.

Неужели у них настолько скудный словарный запас, что кроме ‘омагад’ более нет выражений степени оуения?

3:45 idiots following the herd on a left turn during a green light is annoying and dangerous.

^^ the last one is mean…but also funny at the same time… XD 😉🥳🤣🤣🤣

People complaining about the Shark video, you clearly haven’t seen the whole video. It was latched on to his arm. He was waiting for help getting it removed. 🤦🏻‍♂️ In the longer video you can see blood coming down his arm where the shark latched on. Florida is its own kind of special. Alligators are nothing new, why are y’all surprised when you see one lol 🤣🤣🤣

6:41 No fail here lady…she has been locked in a basement for 41 years.🧊💦
12:47 It was his laugh that did it for me.🐾
18:05 Dude thought he was Peter Pan and would just “lift off” 🧚‍♂

What’s a “wild west jungle”?
