Idiots of the Week | 100% Morons 🤣

Idiots of the Week | 100% Morons 🤣

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These are the kind of people who vote for Trump.😅😅😅

Tree falls over: 100% Morons

11:05 the Craptastic Drama! 🦀💦🍲😂😂🤣🤣

9:42 Mans woman is gone and he just pulls out his phone 🤣🤣🤣 bruhh


1:05 bless the gentleman who ran to help the weight-lifter dude

0:16 that’s what you get for coiling your cable.

6:58 Don’t subtitle when you don’t know what they’re saying. That’s clearly not english.

If you can’t figure out how to wear pants, you won’t be able to figure out how to get a crab out of a box.

Poor crabs/lobsters 😢
